Can you foster and work?

The simple answer is yes, you can work and foster children and young people at the same time. However, there are a few factors to fostering and working that we will get into. If you are interested in fostering but you're unsure if your current job will be compatible, we will answer some very common questions and hopefully clear your mind on the subject. If once you’ve read through you feel like this could work for you, get in touch today to receive your fostering information pack.

How many hours can I work if I foster?

There are no maximum or minimum number of hours you can work if you want to foster. Most of our foster carers work part-time to allow them to work around school runs. Some of our foster carers work full-time but they have flexible hours which still allow them to do school runs and attend meetings, or they have a partner who is available to do those things.

It is essential that you are available to attend meetings, training and do school runs when needed, or that the children in your care have access to public transport to get to school or college if you do not drive.

What if I work full time? Do I have to leave my job?

If you are a single foster carer and you work full-time you will be required to reduce your hours so you can be available after-school and for evening meetings and support groups.

If you are in a relationship or married and you both work full-time, at least one of you will have to reduce down to part-time so one of you is available for the school runs, contact, and meetings.

Can I foster if I am unemployed?

If you don't work but you are financially stable and have a home with a spare room to foster, initially there wouldn't be a problem.

However, if you are unemployed, are struggling financially, and are relying on fostering as your only source of income there could be issues with this, as you only get paid to foster when there is a child in placement, and often there can be times when you will be without a child. It is not recommended to rely on fostering as your only income because of this.

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* All our carers are paid above the Fostering Network Payment Guidelines.
(Made to each fostering household with a placement).
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